Wow - shocked to hear of Julia's departure. She was an amazing person who ALWAYS put me under her wing. I had hoped so much to see her - and reconnect and share how much she influenced me. I don't know the circumstances of her passing, but I can only assume that I am not the only one she had a positive influence on - and all that knew her can rest assured that she is currently an Angle helping all of us to pursue the path that God has in his plan.
Scott Greenway (1986)
Wow - shocked to hear of Julia's departure. She was an amazing person who ALWAYS put me under her wing. I had hoped so much to see her - and reconnect and share how much she influenced me. I don't know the circumstances of her passing, but I can only assume that I am not the only one she had a positive influence on - and all that knew her can rest assured that she is currently an Angle helping all of us to pursue the path that God has in his plan.
Miss You Sweet Julia .....
Scott Greenway