Deceased Classmate: Rick Edward Spence 1985
Date Of Birth: Sep-22-1967
Date Deceased: Feb-25-2012
Age at Death: 44
Cause of Death: Brain cancer
Classmate City: Madison
Classmate State: GA
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Wife: Karen Markley Spence, Duaghters: Annabeth & Rebecca
Ricky was a wonderfully diverse man, and he enjoyed so many endeavors throughout his lifetime. He was involved in rodeo as a young man in high school and college, where he was involved in cutting and roping events; he was a dedicated Triathlete and competed in many triathlons, including completing an Ironman Triathlon. He was a tremendous biker, swimmer and runner. He completed the Goofy Challenge at Walt Disney World in January of 2009, which was running a half-marathon on Saturday, followed by running a full marathon on Sunday. This was after having completed his first course of chemo in July of 2008. He also loved surfing, especially the north coast of Oahu, Hawaii, and the Pawleys Island area of South Carolina, where he spent every one of his 44 years on vacation in June with the whole family. He most recently had dedicated his time to the game of golf and was enjoying that right up until the last couple of months. - See more at: